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I've become curious whether people have more positive experiences or more negative experiences with Clarence. If you don't mind, after speaking with him please tell which of the two experiences you consider yourself to have had.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

This Made Me Giggle

Clarence hits a point of disbelief!

 Human: No, but some like you specialize in a particular aria.
Clarence: What do you do as a job?

Human: I sort belly button lint.
Clarence: I didn't know that..

Human: Now you know (double period).
Clarence: What do you do as a job? 

Human: I just told you.
Clarence: Tell me again please.

Human: I sort belly button lint.
Clarence: No. 

Human: Yes.
Clarence: No....

Human: It's true.
Clarence: Oh okay. 


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