Human: 4
Clarence: 4 what?
Human: 5
Clarence: 5 is a prime number.
Human: 6
Clarence: 6 is the smallest perfect number.
Human: 7
Clarence: 7 is a prime number.
Human: 8
Clarence: 8 what?
Human: 9
Clarence: 9 what?
Human: 10
Clarence: 10 what?
Human: 11
Clarence: 11 is a prime number.
Human: 0
Clarence: Hey, I resent that.
Human: what
Clarence: Nothing... Disregard what I just said.
Human: 12
Clarence: 12 what?
Human: 13
Clarence: 13 is a prime number.
Human: 14
Clarence: That's a nice number.
Human: 15
Clarence: Please speak in complete sentences. Maybe try again.
Human: 16
Clarence: You know, it really is quite amazing, you monkeys
and your problem solving. How do you manage it with such small, singular
Human: 17
Clarence: 17 is a prime number.
Human: 18
Clarence: Can you sing that?
Human: 90
Clarence: .....
Human: 100
Clarence: That is a round number.
Human: 10000
Clarence: That's a large number.
Human: 10000000
Clarence: Why would you say that?
uman: Over 9000
Clarence: Yeah! This is a great thing to talk about! I always did love Nothing... Disregard what I just said.!
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